Hotel Transylvania Wiki
I Never Caught Your Name
The subject of this article has no official name.
Marshall (Suits of Armor) is a placeholder name. Please don't try to make up a name until solid evidence can prove it.

Marshall, also known as The Suits of Armor, are part of the staff at Hotel Transylvania. They are voiced by Brian George. 


Throughout the film, one usually rushes to Dracula to inform him of a problem in the hotel, which he would usualy remedy as soon as he's infromed.

They seem to have a hive mind and linked sight; when Dracula needed to know where Quasimodo was to rescue Jonathan, it reported what a suit of armor in the lobby saw and it saluted when it confirmed Dracula's order to stop Quasi. They reported their failure to capture Quasimodo & Dracula flies to rescue Johnny.

One of the Suit of Armors were dancing at Mavis' party with Dracula, but during the party, one shows Dracula that Mavis was kissing Johnny.

Official Profile[]

The royal order of the Suits of Armor is charged with serving as the security and communication system for the hotel. Perhaps these metal sentinels are the ancestors of a militia of tin soldiers, or even the "tin can" telephone.


  • "Sir, we have an urgent plumbing issue. There is a clogged toilet in room 348!"
  • "Sir, there's an emergency!"
  • "Boy that kid smelled." (After Johnny tried his helmet on)
  • "Quasimodo Wilson, you are coming with us!"
  • "Why did that hurt me?" (After getting kicked in the groin by Quasimodo.)
  • "He doesn't pay me." (Whispering to Mavis)


  • In the official Sony HT game "Hotel Transylvania Blast Game" it's revealed the knights name(s) is Marshall